Mohamed Saad El Hachemi

A 35-year-old female patient comes to consult at the office for an aesthetic problem, she is not satisfied with her smile and would like to restore especially her central which is Dyschromy and a bit short -Initial situation

Lateral view
Polarised photography The tooth is whitening resistant, according to the classification of Pascal Magne (TYPE 1 ,GROUP IB « Nonresponse to external or internal bleaching ») We offered her to make a ceramic veneer
J Esthet Dent 1993;5:239-246
Natural and restorative oral esthetics .Part IIEsthetic treatment modalities
Magne P, Magne M, Belser U

Aesthetic analysis; clinical picture for planning shape and color of the future restoration.


Direct mock up with a flow composite

The result of the direct mock up after one weak

it is our vision that limits our manual precision ,thus the importance of magnification that allows us to improve the detail of the gesture ,So the Microscope can significantly improve it
According to Mallet and Roussel, the microscope does not save time, but the result is predictable and of higher quality.
Operative Dentistry, 2010, 30-5, 246-249
The Clinical Microscope and Direct Composite Veneer
RC Pascotto • AR Bene
Operative dentistry 2017
Effect of Magnification on the Precision of Tooth Preparation in Dentistry
M Eichenberger N Biner M Amato A Lussi P Perrin

Marking of the restauration perimeter with a green bur 801L.314.016

First reduction of 0,3mm depth thickness control: with depth cutter green ring 868A.314.021 along the crown axis

Along the incisal axis

And along the root axis

Homogénéisation of facial surface allong the crown and the root axis with green bur 856.314.016

The proximal areas and the tobogan are prepared with a burr Green bur 856.314.012

The silicone guide was placed. Here is the occlusal view of the teeth after being prepared

Management of peripheral limite

Finishing a margin with a high magnification must be achieved with a red bur 856.314.016 along the crown and the root axis .
The proximal areas and the tobogan are carefully finished with a red ring finishing burr 856.314.012

the enamel chisel allows us to have an extreme and optimal polishing of the limits, and also allows us the total elimination of the enamel excess created during the realization of the finish line

Polishing the labial surface with the socles disc

Polishing the proximal area with a fine abrasive strips

J Prosthet Ressort Dent 2005;17:144-54;
Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations.
Pascal Magne

For this case we used the digital impressions

The shade taking was done by my dental technician in his laboratory following the eLAB protocol who was created by SACHA HEIN , JAVIER TAPIA & PANOS BAZOS
the use of cross polarised photography is required in order to eliminate the reflections which facilitate the taking of the shade

Following the pre-model , the dental technician did a silicone key to be more accurate .
For the framework we used an MO0 lingot in order to increase the value ,to get a good value to counter the underlying coloring
For the ceramic mixture we used about 6 powder from eMAX ivoclar (PDA1/PDA1+TN/LAVENDER/T BLUE/OE1/MM LIGHT/PI BLEACH)

Odovtos 2017, vol.19, n.2, pp.33-46. ISSN 2215-3411.
Effect of Different Silane Treatments on Long-Term Bonding Between Non-Etched Glass-Ceramic and Resin Cement. MURILLO GOMEZ , FABIAN and GOES , MARIO F .DE

One of the crucial steps in adhesive dentistry is the field isolation using rubber dam to avoid any contamination and to have full vision of the teeth we are working on
Veneer is cemented under complete isolation. In this image, the detail of the isolation of tooth 21 with a 212 clamp
The Knot ligatures allow the rubber dame to be maintained immobile during the restoration procedure.

Try in and check the precision

the labial surface is previously treated with 29 micron Aluminum Oxide particle sandblasting to guarantee maximum boding levels

2-We decided to follow a total etch technique. The tooth is etched for 30 seconds with 37% phosphoric acid.
Etching is still the gold standard in adhesion even if we want to use autoeching systems (Universal Adhesive) to bond
3-Autoetching system (Universal Adhesive) is used to bond the resin, three coats to obtain a uniform layer

eliminates the excess of resin before curing with brush and dental floss

After the first polymerization , we eliminate the excesses of the resin at the margin using a blade scalpel type 12.

Inter proximal resin removed with a soft abrasive strips

Final lightcuring is done under glycerine gel to avoid the oxygen inhibiting at the external surface of the composite.

Silicone polisher

Day 0_This result is obtained immediately after eviction of the rubber dam, we notice a dehydration of the teeth that denatures the shade. In general dehydration leads to decrease of chromacity and increase of luminescence, the teeth need to be rehydrated

One weak after bonding ,we have a reequilibration of shade

soft tissues control under high magnification

high degree of marginal precision is observed which will minimize the amount of adhesive at the margin and thus(so) increase the durability of the restoration