Dr Michele Khabbaz
A 45-years old male patient arrived at the office, showing severe aesthetic problems. The patient’s chief complaint was the swelling and bleeding of his gum. He had extensive dentistry in the past but was unhappy with the result. His smile reveals shorten and uneven ceramic crowns. This patient shared his wish to find once again a smile in harmony with his age and face.
The Extra-oral examination revealed the following:
- This patient’ smile view showed anterior Porcelain Fused to Metal crowns (PFM) dental restorations, showing an acute chronic gingival inflammation.
- Asymmetry between the maxillary dental midline and the patient’s facial midline.
- An inverted incisal edge line of the maxillary anterior teeth which doesn’t follow the superior contour edge of the lower lip. As a result he has short teeth, so they are uneven and an inflamed red gum was showing during normal speech and smiling which can have the effect of unhealthy smile and ageing an individual.
Following a thorough interview to reveal the patient’s aesthetic desires, a diagnostic arrangement in wax was made. The use of mounted diagnostic casts, diagnostic arrangements, and provisional restorations to ensure a predictable end result were performed.
For the final evaluation, chronic gingival inflammation and discrepancies in the position of the gingiva on the incisors and the Canines, It has been decided to go through a crown lengthening procedure, to remove inflammatory excessive gum and reshaping bone tissue to expose more of the natural teeth to make a healthy cosmetic dental procedure possible.
Lithium Disilicate crowns have been used to rebuild the natural structure and appearance of the upper teeth creating a stronger, more youthful appearance years and with it the confidence to smile broadly