Therapy of a generalized chronic periodontitis
Dr. med. dent. Oliver Laugisch,
Department of Periodontology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Social anamnesis and chief complaint
Mrs. M.A. is 67 years old, married and retired. The patient was referred to the Department of Periodontology. Her chief complaint was the treatment of her periodontitis with maximal preservation of teeth and instauration of an adequate chewing function.
Medical history
Since 2007 the patient has an artificial hip joint. Otherwise the patient is medical healthy and has no medication requirements. She is a former smoker and till quitting smoking in 2000 the patient smoked 20 cigarettes per day.
Dental history
Mrs. M.A. keeps yearly appointments for control and tooth-cleanings at her family dentist. At time of diagnostics she suffered from food-impaction, tooth migration and enhanced tooth-mobility.
Extra oral:
Without pathological incidents
Intra oral:
Amalgam tattoo in region tooth 47
Dental findings:
The patient has a sufficient treated dentition. Tooth 27 was extracted in 2002 due to an endodontic mistreatment. At time of diagnostics all teeth beside the sufficient endodontically treated tooth 24 were vital (CO2-testing). Wear-facets could be diagnosed at front-teeth and premolars (Fig.1 + Fig.2).
Intraoral photos at time of diagnostics
Periodontal findings:
Probing pocket depth (PPD) up to maximal 12mm could be seen in all quadrants. Teeth 17, 26, 37, 36 und 46 had furcation involvement degree I. An enhanced mobility was found on teeth 15, 14, 41 and 45 (degree I) and on teeth 21, 25 and 34 (degree II). Initial oral-hygiene-indices represented a plaque-index (PI) of 44% and a bleeding on probing (BOP) of 43% of sites (Fig. 3).
Periodontal status at time of diagnostics
Radiographic findings:
The radiographic status showed a generalized horizontal bone-loss with localized vertical components. Shadows in terms of subgingival calculus could be found at teeth 21, 34, 44 und 45 (Fig. 4).
X-rays at time of diagnosis
Advanced generalized chronic periodontitis with furcation-involvement [1].