Abdelrhman Mahmoud Hazzaa
Ghada Ashraf
- Patient Name: Hussein Abd Elhamid
- Gender: Male
- Age: 35
- Chief Complain : Pain all over the mouth , bad appearance of the teeth and difficulty in mastication
- Medical History: appendix surgery
- Dental History : sereral RCT , Amalgam restorations and multiple teeth extraction
- Oral Habits :
- Tooth brushing : Infrequently
- Technique of brush : horizontal scrub
- habits : smoking
- Extra oral examination:
- Intra oral examination
- Generalized marginal dark red
- Generalized rolled margins together with generalized softness, edema with a glazed surface
- No incidence of stippling
- The IDP showed generalized bluntness
- Negative Fremitus test
- Caries in: #3, #4, #5#,6,#7,#8,#9,#10,#11,#12,#13#14, #15, #17,#18,#19,,#20,#21,#22,##27,#28,#30,#32
- Missing: #1,#2,#16,#31
- Old Restorations in : #3, #14, #15, #17,#18, #19 , #30 ,# 32
- Previously Endodontic treated teeth : #5, #6,#7,#10,#11,#19
- Radiographic examination: Vertical bone loss in upper & lower arches, Horizontal bone loss in lower anteriors and #30, #31, #32
Phase I (control phase):
- Supra-gingival
and sub-gingival scaling.
- Excavation
of caries and removal of old restoration.
- Temporary
- Establishment
of control and oral hygiene measurement.
- Extraction
of #17, #29
- Periodontal surgery (crown lengthening ,gingivectomy and hemisectioning)
Phase II ( holding
phase ):
Phase III (definitive
phase ):
- Endodontic
treatment in #3, #4,#8,# 9,#12, #14, #15,#18,,#30
- Root
canal retreatment in #5,#6,#7,#10,#11,#19
- Post
and core in #4,#5,#6 #7,
#10, #11,#12,#14,#15,#18,#19,#30
- Final
composite Restoration in #2, #3, # 4, #15, #13, #18, #19.
in #3,#4,#5,#6#7, #8,
#9, #10, #11#12,#13,#14,#15,#18,#19,#20,#21,#22,#23,#24,#25,#26,#27, #28,#30
- Two
separate fixed partial dentures to replace missing #5, #12, #14.
Phase IV(maintanace phase ):
- Oral
hygiene instruction
- Follow
up visits for fixed prosthesis