Dr.Dafina Bogeska / DT Rubin Georgieski
This case starts before 6 years.
Patient – female 38 years old
Profile convexity concave class III with total disproportion on maxilla and mandible. Small maxilla and much protruded mandible with no occlusion at all. Total under bite with no contact on any tooth .
Sorry because I do not have photo of first situation.
I suggest orthognatic surgery -Mandibular Setback Surgery and orthodontic treatment, but that was not accepted by the patient.
Only other solution was bridge restoration to get situation in position of cross bite in buccal regions , to be arranged some occlusion .
We did this with metal ceramic bridge restoration on 16-13, 33-36, 46-44 and arrange forced occlusion.
Because of forced occlusion we stopped on going protruding of mandible and trough years we get crossover of first incisive on right side where we put both bridges up and down. On left side we put bridge only down and upper teeth were left in position of under bite.
That is why patient next time on age 42 came to ask if it is possible to cross over front teeth and to get it in correct position over the lover teeth.
With help of orthodontic we get teeth in position to be possible to do the rest with metal ceramic bridge construction.
We pull 11,21,23 in distal and labial way to make space for lateral incisive . After was necessary to do endodontic of 11, and 21. After preparation bridge was 12,11,21,22,23,24,25,26 metal ceramic construction.

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