DT Giovanni Faccin
The patient aura , from mexico , asked to restore the aesthetic and the wealth of the dental elements , even if she had a short residence time in italy.
The frontal top elements were seriously damaged by caries and the bite had projected top and lower frontal elements.
The dentistry provided to the cure and the direct printing in situ of the immediate provisional structure.
These therapeutics provisional structures for the soft tissues didn’t give any morphologic, aesthetic, functional information to the technician.
The laboratory made very accurate provisional structures and, after functionalizing them and changing the shape directly on the patient, re-used them for the cad scansion and for the cam realisation of the zirconium prettau manufact, highly translucent.
The incisal margin was mantained useful to the function of protection for the ceramics in labial and palatal stratification.
In pre-sintering phase, the technician manually works with rotating tools to create windows that could give an ideal light passage through the ceramic coating.
This operation is a very delicate passage because is realised on pre-sintered zirconium in chalky state.
With the light passage modulation through these structures and the use of infiltration with fluorescent liquid, it’s possible to obtain a customized stratification in order to obtain an high brightness value of the prosthetic elements in order to insert new elements in armony with adjacent dental elements.
The incisal edge in translucent zirconium arises from the coating ceramic, camouflaging perfectly and protecting it from the eventual cracks or chipping.
The aesthetic answer has been of great satisfaction for the technician, the clinic and expecially for the patient.
After a year from the cementation, the patient returned in italy and in the control visit she showed an optimal wealth condition of the gengival tissues.
The answer to the high bio- compatibility of the materials and to the phisic-technic work of the operators phases was excellent